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Saturday, June 6, 2009

I Need This Like I Need a Root Canal

Oh, wait. That's what I need a root canal.

I went to the dentist today and found I need a root canal. What fun. I'm excited. Estatic. No, not really.

But, really, how can you be sad about a root canal when it's beautiful outside? When there is a gorgeous cat sleeping on a chair in your home. When you just went to the dollar store with your sweetie. And when you find a tiny shirt in the dollar store that will fit your dog. Or when your Mom is coming over a bringing dinner.

I will not let this bother me. There is too many happy things going on.


Unknown said...

yes, Jenn- get it done and move on....

Unknown said...

Great way to look at things! It's really not that bad....the worst part for me was keeping my mouth open for such a long time! You'll do fine :)