Songs I'm Liking Right Now

Monday, February 27, 2012

What Change Can Do

What Change Can Do
Originally uploaded by nejellaphotoart2009

A very personal mixed media collage created from wood, plaster and vintage bits.

The words I created a few years ago, when I was going through the layers of my soul, trying to understand how and why, for many years I played the fool in my own story.

Through my search, I discovered that I had never been the fool. I had been a piece of a story that I didn't know was happening. A fool willingly participates.

And when the story unfolded(the pieces that I brought awareness too), it hurt like hell.

But, then it changed me. Changed me from a woman who watched from the sidelines of a life that wore me away, to a woman who would stand in the ring and fight for the kind of life that I refuse to live without.

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