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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Love Etsy Girls

One of my newest customers, a sweetie who loves pretty things, recently blogged about me. When I received her note, telling me about the blog, I was so honored. To be compared in the likes of Mr. Peterson, made me so happy.

"One of the sellers on Etsy was having a buy one get one free sale! So despite what I said, I did return to Etsy, but it was to pick out my free item. It was free, so despite my self-induced grounding from there, I returned, c'mon nothing better than a lovely pair of earrings. Her username is Negellatj. I like her simple style of jewelry and the way she creates a little story blurb to describe the item. (Very Mr. Peterman from Seinfeld) She'll be adding bracelets, too. YAY! We've had a few nice exchanges. I love getting to know people this way. I love talented people who have a passion in what they do! I'd much rather buy a nice pair of earrings from a person like this than from Macy's or the mall. I feel like it's about people and supporting a dream. Anyway, check her out."

Thank you Andrea, you rock! I enjoy sharing my passion with you, someone who sends delightful conversation and positive moments. I'd rather be selling here, on Etsy, rather than at Macy's anyday.

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