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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Too Soon

It was 4 years ago, this past Sunday, that you passed away. I can remember you, like I saw you just yesterday, and I wish I did.

I see you in so many actors. Michael Keaton. Greg Kaneer. And I sometimes imagine that you would have been an awesome actor. So animated. So funny. So sweet.

I wish I could go back to Nov 13th, 2006. I would have pizza with you. Laugh. Talk about your Aunt Shirley. About Ebay. And compare our shopping totals for the year, at the flower house. You'd say something funny, and I'd laugh. Sometimes, you wouldn't even know it was funny, and I laugh, and you wouldn't get mad. You would just be happy that I laughed.

When I went to the city the other day, I remember how it was you who got me to go to the trade shows. It was you who invited me. It was you made me feel included. It was you who thought I was important. And this during a time of my life when I felt so very unimportant.

Bill, I carry you with me to so many places. But, with each place I visit with you, I ask, but why did he leave so soon? Fourty four, is just way too soon.

And maybe that's why I wish I could go back to Nov 13th, 2006. To tell you to stay home from work the next day. To drive instead of walking across the tracks. To tell you that the open house really wasn't that important. Not nearly as important as talking about Ebay, your Aunt Shirley, eating pizza and comparing our shopping totals.

Fourty four is just to early to leave.

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