Songs I'm Liking Right Now

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Brrrrr... A Cold Lonely Road

On my way to work this morning, an interesting thought entered my mind.
Every time I have a life changing event, I lose friends.
When I got married, I lost my single friends. When I got divorced, I lost my married friends. When my friend Bill died, I lost all my mutual Bill friends.
It seems as if the times when I needed a friend the most, I was the loneliest.
Why is that? Any thoughts world?
Is it because your friends don't agree with your choices? Is it because you become to much work? Are they scared because they don't understand you? Are they scared because your choices don't make sense, or because they do make sense? I just don't know.
I will try very hard to not be one of those friends that hides when people have change in their lives.
I know how it feels. It can make a lonely road cold.

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